Liturgy & Spirituality
The celebration of the Eucharist is at the center of our parish life. Mass is celebrated every day at Christ the King Church, with extra services on Holy Days, Christmas, Holy Week & Easter, and other times.
During the winter months, inclement weather can affect the daily mass schedule. If the Lyme/Old Lyme Schools (Region 18) have a delay or school closure, then daily mass will be held at 12:00 noon. On Sundays, Mass will be celebrated as usual but Faith Formation classes may be canceled if conditions warrant. Check this site, the church Facebook page, and Channel 3 for announcements.
Lenten Mission: Held periodically during Lent
Penance Service: Communal events held during Advent and Lent
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service: Held in conjunction with the various faith communities of Lyme and Old Lyme, this annual service takes place in November prior to the Thanksgiving holiday. Location alternates each year among Christ the King, St. Ann's Episcopal, and First Congregational Church of Old Lyme.
Get Involved!
There are numerous ways to share your time and talents through the parish ministries of Christ the King Church. Opportunities can be found in liturgical ministries, education, community outreach, and parish life. Visit these pages for more information.
Weekend Masses:
Mon – Fri:
Holy Days:
Youth Mass:
Saturday vigil 5:00 pm
Sunday 8 am & 10:30 am
8:00 am
8:00 am & 6:30 pm (except as noted)
10:30 am Mass, 3rd Sunday of each month