Parish Life

Parish Life
A Catholic parish is more than its church, halls, and classrooms. It is the people who comprise the parish community that are, literally, the life of the parish. As Catholic Christians, we forge and foster relationships with other members of our parish community as a natural extension of our relationship with God.
At Christ the King Church, our parish life is evident in many ways, including attendance at Mass; learning in CCD classes; parish-wide activities like Harvest Festival and the Men's Club dinners; singing in the choir or participating in any of the many parish ministries; monthly potluck suppers; a parish-sponsored trip. Every activity that brings us together with other members of our community nurtures our spiritual life and enhances the life of the parish.
The Christ the King Men's Club is open to all men in the parish. They meet regularly on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm, and sponsor an annual Summer Dinner as well as various other events. Visit their page for more information.
The Harvest Festival is an annual event in the fall, and the parish's largest fundraising event. Open to the public, it regularly features food, kids' games and crafts, a large tag sale, autumn plants and produce, a silent auction or raffle, and more. Visit the Harvest Festival page.