New Life Prison Ministry
The New Life Prison Ministry offers women being released from York Correctional Facility in Niantic, Connecticut, an opportunity to begin “new lives” in southeastern Connecticut, and serves as a bridge between the released offenders and their families, communities, and social agencies.
The Ministry accomplishes this by:
Establishing a one-on-one relationship between the offender and a New Life mentor, which continues for a limited time once the woman returns to a community setting.
Providing transitional housing in a New London apartment for up to 90 days after release, or as long as determined by the ministry board.
Helping the client find suitable housing after this initial period.
Assisting the client in finding employment.
Providing access to needed social service programs, including outpatient counseling, food stamps, and clothing.
Furnishing personal support, advice, and encouragement.
As of July 2011, more than 125 women have been involved in the New Life program. Over 80 percent of those served have successfully integrated into the community.
The New Life Ministry is an ecumenical ministry comprising volunteers from churches and organizations in southeastern Connecticut. It is a recognized 501 (c) (3) foundation; all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
The New Life Prison Ministry at Christ the King Church meets on the First Thursday of every month, at 9:00 am.
Every June, the ministry holds a spaghetti supper in Good Counsel Hall, which raises funds to cover the expenses of the transitional apartment.
Views of the New London apartment.