Important Information
Course Schedule & Requirements
Requirements tracking sheet
Mass Attendance: You are expected to attend Mass on Sunday (or Saturday Vigil). On Sunday evenings when class meets, bring a bulletin (signed by Fr. Joe, Fr. Walter, or Mrs. Young) to class with you.
Guidelines for Choosing a Sponsor
Missed Class Assignments:
If you miss a class, you must write
a one-page essay on one of these given topics.
Confirmation 2023
​Preparation for Confirmation typically begins in the 9th grade. The 2023 Confirmation class began its preparation for the sacrament on Sunday, October 16, 2022, at the 10:30 am Mass, when they received bibles for use in their studies over the coming year. At 6:30 pm that evening, the students of the class and their parents came together for a class meeting in the parish hall.
Classes are typically held on Sunday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm (with occasional exceptions). Attendance at class is mandatory, but missed classes may be made up by writing an essay on given topics (see below). In order to be presented for Confirmation, students will be expected to complete a set of requirements that include class attendance, community service, parish service, and socials. Please read the course requirements for further information.
Homework assignments and important notices will be sent by email and will be posted on this page.
To register for the Confirmation class, please download a registration form and send or bring it with the fee to the church office.
Confirmation is scheduled for SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2023,
at St. Mark Church in Westbrook.
Service Opportunity!
Watch this space for future notices of opportunities to complete your service requirement.