Winter Weather
When the Lyme/Old Lyme schools have a snow delay or are closed due to winter weather, the daily morning mass will be celebrated instead at 12:00 noon.
Winter Weather
When the Lyme/Old Lyme schools have a snow delay or are closed due to winter weather, the daily morning mass will be celebrated instead at 12:00 noon, and there will be NO Adoration that day.
Sun Nov 3
Giving Tree
Christ the King's annual GIVING TREE project is back! This is a wonderful opportunity to help those less fortunate, and a great way to teach our children about the spirit of giving.
Here's how it works:
A Christmas tree in the Narthex
of the church is decorated with
different types of ornament
gift tags — each one
containing a gift
suggestion for someone
in need. To participate,
simply choose a tag,
purchase the suggested item, and bring the unwrapped gift (with the ornament/gift tag attached) to Church and place it under the tree. This year gift cards (to Stop and Shop, Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, etc) are especially needed. Gift cards may be left in the large box near the tree.
This year's gifts will be given to clients of St. Vincent de Paul Place and Madonna Place in Norwich.
Thank you all for your generosity!
St. Patrick's Day Dinner
Sponsored by the CTK Men's Club
Saturday, March 16 6:00 pm
Traditional corned beef dinner with all the fixings!
Tickets available soon!
King's Rummage Sale:
We will gladly accept donations of clean and gently used household items, jewelry, small furniture, Christmas treasures, children's toys, books, and sports equipment. Please mark sizes of linens, sheets, and tablecloths. To donate upholstered furniture and large heavy items, please contact the festival email address in advance.
Donations for the Rummage Sale will be accepted September 3–7 and September 9–14, 9am to Noon. Please, only items in good, saleable condition!
In addition, there are some items that we cannot accept:
Thank you for your cooperation!
car seats
large appliances
household chemicals
personal care items
Men’s club steak dinner
Saturday August 14, 2021
6pm (after the 5pm Mass)
Parish Hall
hors d’oeuvres: crackers and cheeses,
crudites, sweet & sour meatballs
Classic Caesar salad
12 oz. New York strip steak
Crumb-baked Cod
Penne a la vodka
roasted red bliss potatoes
locally harvested vegetable medley
fresh baked dinner rolls
assorted desserts and beverages
Children's entree — hot dog and mac & cheese
Tickets on sale in the Narthex
$25/Adult, $10/Child, kids age 10 and under eat free!
Call/text Mark Gilbert for tickets or
information at (401) 835-7139
The Spring issue of Parish Life! — the newsletter of Christ the King parish — was emailed to all parishioners
and friends whose email
addresses are on file. If you
didn't receive the email,
please be sure
to sign up for our email list!
You can read Parish Life here.
Lent at Christ the King Church
Ash Wednesday Feb 22
Mass & ashes: 8am & 6:30pm
Ashes only: 12 Noon
Weekly Mass: Saturday 5pm;
Sunday 8 & 10:30 am
Daily Mass: Monday–Friday 8:00 am
Eucharistic Adoration: Fridays 9am–Noon
Stations of the Cross: Fridays 7pm
Confessions: Saturdays 4–4:30 pm
Virtual Lenten Devotional Chapel
Available in Narthex:
“Little Black Book” devotional
Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowls
Lenten Mission March 19–21
is as follows:
Click here for a list of donated items we CAN and CANNOT accept.
(List subject to change.)
Questions about a donation to the Rummage Sale? Need help with a large item? Email us.
Wed Aug 31: 9am–noon & 6–8pm
Thur Sept 1: 9am–noon
Tues Sept 6: 9am–noon & 6–8pm
Wed Sept 7: 9am–noon
Thur Sept 8: 9am–noon & 6–8pm
Fri Sept 9: 9am–noon
Sat Sept 10: 9am-noon (LAST DAY)
Wednesday, September 20
9:30–11am & 6:30–8pm
Come to learn more about the
Walking With Purpose program!
Winter Weather
When the Lyme/Old Lyme schools have a snow delay or are closed due to winter weather, the daily morning mass will be celebrated instead at 12:00 noon, and there will be NO Adoration that day.
If a snowstorm occurs on a weekend, Sunday Mass will go on as usual, but parishioners are advised to consider personal safety before coming to church. We continue to livestream all our masses.
For Faith Formation cancellations, check here, on our Facebook page, and on TV's Channel 3.
Offertory Collections
The Parish has elected to not take up a collection during Mass. But we are so grateful for your support of the parish and its ministries!
Collection baskets are located in the Narthex as you enter the building; you may place your offering
there. Alternative methods for donating may be found on our website.
Thank you to everyone who helped make the
2023 Harvest Festival a huge success!
See you next year on September 21 & 22, 2024!